If somebody like the post and its helpful in your work then, add comments.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

SharePoint 2013 : Running the pre-requisite in Windows Server 2012 R2

Well, when we want to start the installing SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2013 foundation in Windows Server 2012 R2 there is more often problem comes that the pre-requisite didn’t run in the in Windows Server 2012 R2 machine. There is due to because the pre- requisite is searching for the SeverManagerCmd.exe in Windows/System32 location, instead of that in R2 version the application name is SeverManager.exe.

So, to run the pre-requisite in Windows Server 2012 R2, Copy the SeverManager.exe, and paste in the same location i.e Windows/System32 and rename to SeverManagerCmd.exe. Then run the pre-requisite application from SharePoint iso/disc/installer. It will work fine

Friday, August 29, 2014

SharePoint 2013 : How to open and close SP.UI.ModalDialog.showWaitScreenWithNoClose

How to use SP.UI.ModalDialog.showWaitScreenWithNoClose to display custom loading message. Simplest way is that just write below code where you have to call the loader/model box of waiting

var value = SP.UI.ModalDialog.showWaitScreenWithNoClose(title, message, height, width);
and to close just add below code
There are lost of option are also available, which can be seen on 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Yammer : How to get current logged in user unseen message count

Well this is my first application of Yammer, I was wondering how to start on the application. So, first thing come in my mind that to explore the Yammer,

What is yammer?

How can we use it?

What are the entities in yammer, which we can use or integrate in our application. etc

So, logged in Yammer, created network added the people. So, now when all thing are up then for just creating a sample application a scenario occurs in my mind “current logged in user unseen message count”. How to start on the, where to deploy that????

I added one more Technology my FAV one, SharePoint. Final scenario showing  current logged in user unseen message count in SharePoint online. Created a trial account in that and create on page. First I tried with yammer default feed JS code. It works find ….OK.

So, for custom development I looked on Google and found the wonderful description on yammer API. How to consume in various domains, how add in various platforms. Link is below


To get current logged in user unseen message count

    <h3 > Unseeen Messages</h3><div id="numberOfMessages"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" data-app-id="[Your App ID]" src="https://assets.yammer.com/assets/platform_js_sdk.js"></script>

    <span id="yammer-login"></span>
    <script type="text/javascript" >
      function(response) {
        if (response.authResponse) {
              console.log("logged in");            
                url: "networks/current.json",
                method: "GET",       
                beforeSend: function (req) { //print message response information to the console
                } ,
                success: function (user) { //print message response information to the console
                    document.getElementById('numberOfMessages').innerHTML= user[0].unseen_message_count;
                error: function (user) {
                  alert("There was an error with the request.");


but before adding the above code we have to create on app in yammer




remember this redirect URL should be match with your domain and JavaScript origin will be the URL of page where the JS or JS is rendering.

Click Save


This big bold highlighted one is the key point where I stuck an have goggling for like 2 days Smile



Monday, June 30, 2014

SharePoint 2013 : How to add Device Channel in site/master page

A Device Channel Panel is a control that you can add to a master page or page layout to control what content is rendered in each channel that you create. A Device Channel Panel is a container that specifies one or more channels; if one or more of those channels are active when the page is rendered, all of the contents of the Device Channel Panel are also rendered. A Device Channel Panel can include almost any type of content, including a link to a CSS file or a .js file. It is an easy way to include specific content for specific channels.

There are two limitations to using a Device Channel Panel:

  • Display templates Because display templates are rendered on the client side and Device Channel Panels run on the server side, you cannot use a Device Channel Panel within a display template. Instead, you should use two different Content Search Web Parts within Device Channel Panels on your page layout, or use the JavaScript variable to trigger the behavior you want within the display template itself.

  • Web Part zones You cannot insert a Web Part zone inside a Device Channel Panel. If you want to allow authors to add Web Parts to a page, and if you are not concerned about the page weight for mobile devices, you can add a Rich Text Editor page field to a Device Channel Panel, and then instruct authors to add Web Parts there. You can add Web Parts directly to a Device Channel Panel (without a Web Part zone).

How to configure device channels?

  1. Go to settings of the site
  2. image
  3. Open the Device Channel from Look and feel section on the page
  4. image
  5. Default View of the Device Channel settings page
  6. image
  7. Add rule for the device
  8. image
  9. Add rule for example for windows phone 8.1
  10. image
  11. image
  12. And save the configuration
  13. Go to site settings and select Master page
  14. image
  15. Open the settings
  16. image

Having applied the configuration, if you navigate to the website now using a Windows Phone you should see the Device Channel automatically applied.

Monday, May 5, 2014

SharePoint 2010 : Share value between itemupdating and itemupdated events in SandBox Event receiver


Well, create one column in the Main List, where values are changes say "OLDVALUES". Set that field using the properties.ListItem["OLDVALUES"]=Value1+";" +Value2+";" +Value3+";"; in ItemUpdating event(take Value1, Values2 and Value3 using the properties.ListItem["Value1"] and son on).

Now in Item Updating, use like string oldValue = properties.ListItem["OLDVALUES"].ToString(); and slip in array and then you can set global variables and access them in your code. Remember its a SandBox solution approach for event receivers, not for farm solution.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pager in Knockout JS without using Paged Grid

Knockout JS as we know is a highly versatile JavaScript library that helps us implement the MVVM pattern on the client by providing us with two way data binding and templating capabilities. Today we will use Knockout JS and JSON data to build a pager.

Paging is method the break large data in  piece of number of records, which is know as page size. The major component of the Paging are

  1. Previous
  2. Next
  3. Pages
  4. Page Size
  5. Current Page Index
  6. Max Page size
  7. A list with required pages

So for creation in paging in knockout JS we have to declare certain observables and observable arrays as follows:

  • allPages = ko.observableArray(), // it will have all the information with all the required records
  • pageIndex = ko.observable(1) //Current page index
  • pageSize = ko.observable(10) //Can be configured as required for page size
  • pageCount = ko.observable()
  • maxPageIndex = ko.observable() //Maximum index


Now we have to add some methods for next, previous, move to current ;page etc.

  • First method is move next

nextPage = function () {
            if (pageIndex() < maxPageIndex()) {
                pageIndex(pageIndex() + 1);


  • Second is move to previous

previousPage = function () {
            if (pageIndex() > 0) {
                pageIndex(pageIndex() - 1);
                // your code for array updation



  • Third is move to current page

moveToPage = function (index) {

            // your code for array updation


  • Fourth for making the page size to 5 and middle logic

    updatePageIndex = function (index) {
               if (index != 1 && index != 2 && index != maxPageIndex() && index != maxPageIndex() - 1) {
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index - 2) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index - 1) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index + 1) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index + 2) })
               else if (index == maxPageIndex() && index > 5) {
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index - 4) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index - 3) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index - 2) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index - 1) })
                   allPages.push({ pageNumber: (index) })

  • Fifth one for updating the pagesize when any index is clicked

            pageCount = Math.ceil(totalRequestCount() / pageSize());
            if (pageCount < 6) {
                for (var i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) {
                    allPages.push({ pageNumber: (i + 1) })
            else if (pageCount >= 6) {
                for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    allPages.push({ pageNumber: (i + 1) })

Now we have need of HTML, which will consume/bind all above variables and methods


<div style="width: 850px; text-align: center; margin: auto;" >
            <div style="">
                <ul class="pagination">
                    <li><a href="#">
                        <img src="/images/arrow-start.png" width="26" height="25" data-bind=" disable : ( $root.paging.pageIndex() == 1),click: $root.paging.previousPage" /></a> </li>
                <ul class="pagination paginationMargin" style="margin:0px;" data-bind="foreach: $root.paging.allPages">
                    <li data-bind="css: { active: $data.pageNumber === ($root.paging.pageIndex()) }"><a href="#" data-bind="    text: $data.pageNumber, click: function () { $root.paging.moveToPage($data.pageNumber); }"></a></li>
                <!-- ko if: (($root.paging.maxPageIndex() != $root.paging.pageIndex()) && ($root.paging.maxPageIndex()-2 != $root.paging.pageIndex()) && ($root.paging.maxPageIndex()-1 != $root.paging.pageIndex())  && ($root.paging.maxPageIndex() > 5))-->
                <ul class="pagination paginationMargin">
                    <li><a href="#">......</a> </li>
                    <li><a href="#" data-bind="text: $root.paging.maxPageIndex(), click: function () { $root.paging.moveToPage($root.paging.maxPageIndex()); }">......</a> </li>
                <!-- /ko -->
                <ul class="pagination">
                    <li><a href="#" >
                        <img src="/images/arrow-end.png" width="26" height="25" data-bind="disable  : ($root.paging.pageIndex() == $root.paging.maxPageIndex()) ,click: $root.paging.nextPage" /></a> </li>

Well above HTML have some classes which you have to add your self, I have just given the name of that or you can use any other styles also from searching the paging template available from Google. After above JavaScript code and HTML the paging will look like in a page as below :


Monday, February 10, 2014

SharePoint 2013 : Create a custom web template from publishing site

Well, to create a custom template in SharePoint 2013 or in Office 365 SharePoint, then it’s a very tricky task to complete. The thing very complex with web template is that, it ok up to publishing feature is not enabled in the Template site. But when the publishing feature is activated the that feature automatically gone from SharePoint web site.

Now, there is trick for that, to add that feature again in Site Settings, juts open that sit in SharePoint designer 2013 and activate/make it true. As this property sets to true the link for “Save as site template” will available.

Now, when we save that site template from(Publishing site) then it will have base template be PUBLISHING. So, now we have to add theme to it and also set our custom master etc. They are all be done in the Onet.xml which is get when we export that WSP in visual Studio export wizard template.